Nanomedicine and Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic disease, defined as the elevated glucose levels. Diabetes stops the convention of Glucose (sugar) to energy. Glucose is the main source of fuel for our body. When is digest it covert into fat, protein and carbohydrate. Diabetes starts to defects the insulin secretion. Insulin is a hormone manufactured by the beta cells of the pancreas. Hyperglycemia is associated with macro-vascular and micro-vascular complication that stepping towards the kidney disease, blindness, heart disease, visual impairment, amputations, stroke, rapid weight loss, frequent urination, etc. There are two types of diabetes, first is type 1 diabetes and other one is type 2 diabetes. In type 1 diabetes body does not produce insulin and injectable insulin is daily required. Type 1 diabetes is also called as juvenile diabetes. While in type 2 diabetes the body fails in the production of sufficient insulin. Type 2 also called as adult onset diabetes. Manage elevated blood glucose level by the reduction of food intake, increase physical activity and take oral medications and insulin.

  • Insulin enhancer
  • Type 1 diabetes treatment
  • Type 2 diabetes treatment

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